The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that children who have a positive, healthy relationship with their parents are better able to handle challenges such as family instability, parental stress, or depression. To improve parent-child bonding, the NIH recommends the following: reward and praise your child for good behavior; give your child chores and offer praise for jobs well done; don’t be overly critical if a child fails a task and allow time to develop new skills; use kind words, tones, and gestures when giving instructions or making requests; spend time every day in warm, positive, loving interactions with your child; identify opportunities to increase family time, such as taking walks or reading books together; brainstorm solutions to problems at home or school together; set rules for screen time; show interest in your child’s feelings, concerns, worries, goals, and ideas; and participate in activities that your child enjoys, such as the child’s games, activities, and performances. National Institutes of Health, September 2018