In atherosclerosis, a protein called apolipoprotein A-1 (apoA-1) sticks to plaques and makes them larger, which further restricts blood flow. In a new study, researchers discovered that a compound found in green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate … [Read more...]
Health News
Breast Cancer Survivors Often Not Getting Needed Mammograms
Researchers followed the status of more than 27,000 women after their breast cancer surgery and found that 13% failed to have a mammogram within one year of their procedure. At the five-year mark, the percentage of women who had not had a mammogram … [Read more...]
Mediterranean Diet May Protect the Brain!
The Mediterranean diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, healthy fats (such as olive oil), and lean sources of protein such as fish and poultry. In addition to improved heart health, studies show that the Mediterranean diet … [Read more...]
Quote of the Week
“It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher … [Read more...]
Sunscreen Tips
The American Academy of Dermatology offers the following information about sunscreen: broad-spectrum sunscreen means it can protect you from both UVA and UVB sun rays, which helps prevent skin cancer, early skin aging, and sunburn; sunburn protection … [Read more...]
Looking Down May Increase the Risk for Neck Pain…
Among a group of 38 young adults with no history of neck, shoulder, or back pain, researchers found that engaging in just ten minutes of static neck flexion (looking downward at a smartphone, for example) resulted in potentially harmful changes in … [Read more...]
Get More Active at Work
Prolonged sitting at work can cause poor posture, low back pain, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. To combat the negative effects of long periods of sitting, the American Council on Exercise recommends the following: … [Read more...]
Soda Consumption and Sleep…
Regular soda intake by kids may affect sleep duration. An analysis of data concerning 5,873 children from around the world found that kids who consume at least one soft drink per day sleep about twelve fewer minutes per night. Public Health … [Read more...]
Lack of Quality Care Leads to Millions of Deaths Worldwide
An analysis of diseases in 130 low- and middle-income countries that lack quality healthcare showed that 8 million people die needlessly each year, costing those countries a total of about $6 trillion economically. Experts say it’s important to … [Read more...]
Do Wood Burning Stoves Increase Dementia Risk?
Swedish researchers monitored the health status of 1,806 individuals for nearly twenty years and found that participants who lived in areas with a higher utilization of wood-burning stoves had an elevated risk for dementia. Though further research is … [Read more...]
Quote of the Week
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~ Maya Angelou … [Read more...]
Common Characteristics for Back Pain and Sciatica
Back pain is highly prevalent and associated with significant disability and work absenteeism worldwide. Investigators recently performed a systematic review and identified the following risk factors for both low back pain and sciatica: advancing … [Read more...]
HIIT is As Enjoyable As Traditional Exercise
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves multiple short bursts of intense exercise and is known to offer many health benefits. In this study, researchers recruited 30 inactive men and women who had never tried HIIT before. Participants then … [Read more...]
Eat More Plant-Based Foods to Help Stay Thin
Among a group of over 9,600 older adults, those with a diet rich in plant-based foods had a significantly lower average BMI and fat mass index scores than participants with a more traditional Western-style diet. Lead author Dr. Zhangling Chen adds, … [Read more...]