Surveys completed by 430 firefighters revealed that those exposed to higher levels of occupational stress were 52% more likely to report a musculoskeletal pain condition, with back pain being the most common complaint. Int’l Journal of Occupational … [Read more...]
Spinal Manipulation’s Effect on Leg Range of Motion
A review of data from eight random controlled trials found that a single application of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) can improve lower limb neurodynamics (length of mobility of various components of the nervous system) and the range of motion of … [Read more...]
Sinus Headaches and Neck Pain
Examinations of 31 patients with self-reported sinus headaches and 30 patients without a history of headaches revealed that neck pain and cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction were common among those with sinus headaches and may be a contributing … [Read more...]
April 1 Quote of the Day
"Eager to pull a prank on his chiropractor, Dennis taped a bag of potato chips to the small of his back." - McPherson … [Read more...]
Hip Pain Is Rarely an Isolated Problem…
A recent study that included 2,515 subjects found that of those with hip pain (124), only 3% exclusively had pain in their hip. In 47% of cases, hip pain patients also had pain in one to five other body sites, and 50% of hip pain patients had … [Read more...]
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction?
In a study involving 51 patients with sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) and referred pain to the buttocks or lower back, researchers found that mobilization, stretching, stabilization exercises, and manipulative therapy are all effective treatments … [Read more...]
What Onset Is Associated with Cervical Radiculopathy?
Cervical radiculopathy is a condition characterized by pain, numbness, or weakness in the neck that goes down one or both arms. Questionnaires completed by 122 cervical radiculopathy patients found that one third recalled their symptoms started … [Read more...]
Osteoarthritis of the Hip?
Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is among the most common degenerative joint diseases, and it is associated with chronic pain, reduced mobility, and stiffness in the region surrounding the hip joint. A systematic review of data from twelve studies found that … [Read more...]
Bending over backwards
"I'd like to tell you that his problem comes from "bending over backwards" to please me...but that would be a lie." … [Read more...]
Social Media Takes a Toll
A little bit of humor: Chiropractic receptionist says: "Today we have a facebook, two tweeters, and a Candy Crush relapse." … [Read more...]
Humor – Between the Lines
Long Work Hours Linked to Musculoskeletal Pain
Using data from the Fourth Korean Working Conditions Survey involving nearly 25,000 workers, researchers report that working over 40 hours a week is associated with up to a 40% increased risk for musculoskeletal pain in men and up to a 66% elevated … [Read more...]
Spinal Manipulation Benefits Common Low Back Conditions
A recent study investigated the effects of spinal manipulation of the lumbar and sacroiliac joints in twenty patients with lumbar disk herniation combined with lack of sacroiliac motion (hypomobility). The patients received five spinal manipulations … [Read more...]
Spinal Degeneration Linked to Jaw Disorders
In a study that involved 120 patients with a temporomandibular disorder (TMD), researchers found that participants with neck pain exhibited a higher number of active trigger points in the masticatory and cervical muscles, greater forward head … [Read more...]