According to a new study, an intense ten-minute bout of exercise increases the activity of the “death marker protein” called ubiquitin, which helps remove worn-out proteins from muscle tissue. Researcher Dr. Jørgen Wojtaszewski writes, “Basically, it … [Read more...]
Chiropractic Care Increases Strength, Balance, & Endurance
After a four-week course of chiropractic care, military personnel with back pain reported improved strength and endurance, as well as a reduction in low back pain intensity and disability compared with patients on a waiting list who received no … [Read more...]
Fall Risk Among Patients with Severe Knee Osteoarthritis
Questionnaires completed by 259 knee osteoarthritis patients revealed an association between back pain intensity and an increased risk for falling. The findings suggest that treatment to manage co-occurring back pain—such as chiropractic care—may be … [Read more...]
Back Pain Common During Pregnancy
Questionnaires completed by 400 expectant mothers revealed that 75.3% had experienced back pain at some point in their pregnancy, particularly in the lumbar region during the third trimester. Nearly half of the women in the study (45.7%) reported … [Read more...]
Seat Incline and Spinal Alignment
Photographic analysis of twenty healthy volunteers using a variety of seat orientations revealed that a forward sloped seat is superior to both a flat and backward sloped seat for maintaining neutral spinal alignment and reducing forward head … [Read more...]
Manual Therapies for CTS
Among a group of 30 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), researchers observed that mechanical interface mobilization and nerve mobilization techniques are both effective treatments for improving nerve function and reducing pain and disability. … [Read more...]
Myofascial Therapy for Neck Pain
Among a group of 54 patients with mechanical neck pain, researchers observed that five sessions of myofascial release therapy were more effective at reducing pain and improving pain sensitivity than ten sessions of massage, ultrasound therapy, and … [Read more...]
Car Accidents and Back Pain
A systematic research review discovered that individuals involved in a motor vehicle collision may be more likely to develop back pain in the future than those who have not been in a car accident. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to evaluate and … [Read more...]
Smartphone Use and Chronic Neck Pain
Among a group of 2,438 young adults with chronic neck pain, researchers observed an association between excessive smartphone use and increased evidence of cervical disk degeneration. The findings suggest that the poor posture individuals often adopt … [Read more...]
Trapezius Strengthening Benefits Neck Pain Patients
Among a group of 40 neck pain patients, those who performed exercises to strengthen the lower trapezius muscles reported greater improvements in cervical function and postural alignment. Doctors of chiropractic often use a combination of spinal … [Read more...]
Knee Stiffness Linked to Spinal Issue?
Examinations of patients following total knee replacement revealed that those who continued to report knee stiffness were more likely to have sagittal spinal malalignment. The researchers suspect that postural abnormalities in the spine may lead to … [Read more...]
Chronic Neck Pain Can Affect the Mid Back
Examinations of 78 individuals (48 of whom had chronic neck pain) revealed an association between chronic neck pain and abnormal thoracic spinal curvature, reduce thoracic mobility, and impaired respiratory strength. Annals of Rehabilitative … [Read more...]
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Common Among Elderly
Lumbar spinal stenosis is a debilitating condition associated with the degeneration of the spine, which can have a wide range of symptoms including back pain, leg pain, numbness and tingling in the legs, and reduced physical function. A review of … [Read more...]
Up to 1 in 5 Headaches Originate in the Neck!
Cervicogenic headaches are described as headaches caused by dysfunction in the neck. The current research suggests that cervicogenic headaches account for 15-20% of chronic headache cases. Doctors of chiropractic commonly use manual therapies, such … [Read more...]